Sunday, March 1, 2009

Wretched Excess Indeed

I saw a Tzedoko flyer in shul this shabbos for hachnosas orchim for lizenz. I am probably spelling it wrong, but it is the city in europe where people go on pilgrimage to daven at the kever of a godol.

The purpose of this flyer seemed to be to raise (tzedoko) money for the building of a hotel for those fortunate to be able to afford, in both money AND time, this truly superfluous trip.

I mean, there are gedolim here, both living and living in the olam haemes, that people can go do for brochos and needed yeshuos. So the trip to europe has to be deemed a vacation, as well as a luxury.

What struck me as completely outrageous about this flyer (which admittedly wasn't directed at me, since it was almost exclusively in Yiddish) was that they were looking to raise funds for what appeared to be the building of a hotel!

Even if they were raising money for food for the people that showed up, that would strain credibility, as the people going should be able to pay their own way, but to as people to subsidize a private, (what should be) for profit venture, in the name of tzedoko is truly beyond belief.

As one friend of mine put it, it is just the continuation of the wretched excess that has become the norm in our life.

I agree.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is sick that people spend a yomtov in a graveyard. davening at a headstone. backing up for shemona esray and bumping into alta tanta genendle may she rest in peace but isn't so peacefully because a bunch of idiots from new york are trampling all over her grave and why spend a holiday in a cold wet cemetery eating in a tent when you have a family at home?? OH! because they have a family at home!
