Wednesday, March 25, 2009

hypocrite or realist?

A guy goes into a shul where he davens occasionally. He does not have a hat, as he is just coming home from work. This person usually wears a head covering of some kind ( other than a yarmulke, of course) but if he finds it convenient to daven, and does not have a hat, as when coming home from work, he will daven without one.

In this shul, they are not makpid on hats. Not for the Shliach Tzibbur, nor amongst the congregants. It is that type of shul. They ask this gentleman to daven at the Amud. He asks if they wear a talis for Ma''ariv ( he hasn't davened Ma'ariv there in a long time), thinking that then he can cover his head, because even though he will daven in shul without a hat, he isn't totally comfortable with the idea of davening at the Amud without it. he is told they don't wear taleisim. So he goes and davens anyhow.

The person is me. Does that make me a hypocrite?


  1. You write:

    In this shul, they are not makpid on hats. Not for the Shliach Tzibbur, nor amongst the congregants. It is that type of shul.

    I think the problem is that you come from a background where this is not the case, and this colors your whole perspective on everything. There's a little too much emphasis on all these extraneous things. It's important to have Kovod Harav and Kovod of Shul, but it's also important to not be Tzittering the whole time you're in shul.

  2. FBB

    It appears you missed the point here, but I think you are making a general point about Tzittering.

    The point here is to indicate my position, based on previous posts advocating the wearing of a hat, is based more on the Kovod of the Shul and not an individuals choice. I would explain fully here, but why waste a potential post in a comment.

    back to the Tzittering, its a guy thing

  3. i'm afraid that it does. If there are other people in shul whom you think could be acceptable shluchay tzibur you should fight the lure of the amud and daven in the back as usual. The hat is based on the Kovod of the shul but you have indicated that you believe this to be Kovod to be an objective matter, hence your pique at the slow davener and his perceived lack of kovod for the Rebbe even though the Rabbi himself is tolerant of it. By that reasoning it should be immaterial, to your way of thinking, whether or not the shul is "makpid on hats
